human decency 101

Fischer Wells just wants to play field hockey. The State of Kentucky says she can’t. I’m not making this up. Kentucky passed a law to make sure this twelve-year-old girl won’t be able to play field hockey at her middle school. Think about how fucked up that is.

You know what? It’s more fucked up that you think. Consider the process of passing a law in Kentucky (or any other state, for that matter). It’s a time-intensive process. You have to cobble together the language of the bill you want to become law, including defining all the elements. Then you have to present the bill to…wait. Here, look at this:

This is the amount of effort the State of Kentucky went to in order to keep 12-year-old Fischer Wells from playing field hockey at school. Note Step 11: “If bill is vetoed, it goes back to each chamber. If…

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11 thoughts on “human decency 101”

            1. We’ve long known that they – or at least the fundamentalists – pick and choose the science that they accept depending on how it fits with their existing religious biases. When it comes to global warming, or evolution, they seem to be convinced these are lies from the pits of hell, meant to destroy society and its supposed Judaeo-Christian foundation (which I suspect is just code for Christian dominance.)

              Liked by 1 person

  1. Left this comment on greg’s blog:
    It’s hard for a lot of people, because they are scared of things like boys faking feminine feelings to get into female iocker rooms, BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT THEY WANTED TO DO AS LITTLE BOYS! They do no trust themselves, why would they trust anyone else?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fear and anger seem to be the most prominent traits of Christian social conservatives. They’ve so easily whipped into a frenzy and will attack anything they see as “ungodly.”

      The recent talking point about “grooming” by teachers is a great example, even though they offer no evidence of this happening, or that talking to kids about matters related to sex is at all related. It’s QAnon’s pizzagate all over again but directed at the public teachers rather than specific Democrats.


      1. Call it what it is, a Giant Strawman. Truth does not matter. As long as people pick up the strawman and start repeating it, over and over, it grows so big certain people believe it is real.
        Strawmen burn wonderfully. It is just a matter of where to start the fire. I think Micigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow gave us a good starting point earlier this week. If the Federal Democrats would pick up on her speech and blare it across the continent the grooming strawman would reach a fiery end.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It’s a great speech. Republicans seem to want to take the US back to 1950, when this kind of hate was much more acceptable. It’s quite disgusting and I’m thankful that there are people like Ms McMorrow who are standing up to them!


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